Saturday 23 May 2015

Comrades marathon motivational video

Please go and watch this video, it is from last years comrades marathon. It will motivate you for next week Sunday or to run next years comrades marathon..

Marius Engelbrecht

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Sunday 26 April 2015

My training program for the week - Comrades

My training program for the week - Comrades

This next 2 to 3 weeks I will do my peak training for comrades marathon. In this weeks training program I've got 2 races but will use them as a easy comrades pace training run.

● Monday - 10km easy recovery run 

●Tuesday - 10km easy morning run and then I will do a 10km tempo run in the afternoon

●Wednesday - 10km easy morning run and then I will do a 10km hill training in the afternoon

●Thursday - I will do a easy 10km recovery run or rest

●Friday - 42.2km easy at comrades race pace (sub 4)

●Saterday - Easy recovery 10km jog or rest

●Sunday - 32km easy (sub 3.10)

Hope this training program can help you to reach your dream times. For any questions please email me @ or follow me on facebook .

Marius Engelbrecht

Friday 27 March 2015

Getting sick in the middle of your training

Getting sick in the middle of your training

It happened to me... I'm now busy with the most important 2 months of comrades training and then BOOM I got sick!!!!

Running is a sport that pump up your heart rate, so when you are sick or got a flue it is best to stop training. When you are sick and you are running you can damage your heart muscle and leave damage to your heart forever. 

You won't believe but for that week that you recover from your sickness, you will benefit in your running.. You will not loose any fitness in a week and your body will love the resting period.

To prevent getting sick, you can get a very good multi vitamin  and you can go for a vitamin B 12 shot at your health practitioner.

Stay healthy 

Marius Engelbrecht