Thursday 16 October 2014



● Hill training will always be a wall for many runners but the best is to get POSITIVE about hill training because that is the one thing that will reduce your times in races. If you start to enjoy hill's then you will start to love running even more!!!

● The trick then is to make hill training fun!!!

● This training is called ROLLING HILLS 

● You have to search for an area where there is many hill's and not just one hill.

● Then instead of running one hill up walking down and repeat, you keep on running the hole time. That means you will get more training and time on your legs. 

● When you founded your area with lots of hills you must make a route that is about 20min long or 4km. The route must be up and down but make sure all the big hill's is on the upside of your route. 

● Warm up before you start your route. Then on the route, the trick is down hill you jog easy at marathon pace and when you reach a up hill you run at 5km race pace.

● Start by doining one lap of the route or 20min. When it starts to feel easy you can dubbel the lap or 40min. If you are a comrades runner, do 3 laps or more.

● Remember to warm down and stretch after the hill training.

Safe running

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