Monday 9 February 2015

Comrades marathon 2015 - my training

Comrades marathon 2015 - my training

I have only started to train in the end of December after my 4 month injury. I started to train slowly to prevent injuries and over training.  But so far I'm very happy with my training. I did yesterday a solo 32km run on my own in a time of 3.06,45 with a avg of 5.50min per km. This weekend coming I'm running my first 42.2km for the year and can't wait. After my first marathon I'm going to increase my weekly mileage to over 80km and then I will build it up to above 100km a week at the end of march. Comrades marathon is a very special and awesome event but you have to be ready for it!!! 

Happy running

Marius Engelbrecht

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